samedi 24 septembre 2011

Another workshop down

Just finished the second of the two Leadership workshops. One to go next week on Communication Skills. So a big part of the weekend will be taken up with getting ready for that.

Again, a lovely group to work with, although different from the first. The majority of this second group were from District Offices and Border Posts, so a lot of their day goes in just processing, and many of them don't have teams to manage. In fact many of the District Offices consist of just one person. Also because in a District Office they are dealing almost exclusively with Rwandans, they don't get a lot of experience speaking English, so in general the level of proficiency in English in this group wasn't as high as in the first group.

However, they still got stuck into it and there were some highly animated discussions. And like the first group, once they got their teeth into something they wouldn't let it go until they'd finished it.

Again, at the end of the workshop when they got their certificates one of them got up and gave a lovely speech thanking us, and again gave us some beautiful gifts. I'm starting to wonder of how I'm going to get them all back home.

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