dimanche 25 septembre 2011

Last night I went to Heaven

I've been dying to say that!

Not the heaven up in the sky, but Heaven a restaurant here in Kigali which shows movies on Saturday nights. Julie's (and David and Mandy and Jennie's) friend Di - more about Di in a future post - is in town and texted us and said would we like to join her to catch the movie. The scheduled movie was 'Water for Elehants' and she was keen to see it having enjoyed the book. I also enjoyed the book and quite enjoyed the movie and was very happy to see it again.

We had spent the morning doing some preparation for next week's workshop, and Julie's (and David and Mandy and Jennie's) friend Rosine - more about Rosine in a future post - had taken us to the market and the National Genocide Memorial and to change some money in the afternoon, so we all went on to Heaven and had a buffet meal before watching the movie. More about all those experiences in a future post as well.

As it happened, Di also brought along four other friends, one of whom was Shirley Randell whom I'd heard a lot about and is (among many other things) the Director of the Centre for Gender, Culture and Development Studies at the Kigali Institute of Education.

Heaven is in a delightful location set among trees on a hillside overlooking the centre of Kigali and the view at night is terrific. Meal was pleasant, particularly a spicy Thai-style fish dish.

It had poured rain during the afternoon but fortunately it stopped since Heaven is partly open to the elements.

Everyone agreed the movie was excellent too.

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